Sravanth Kumar Reddy

I am a student who loves to Code


Personal Details

Some interesting things about me. I love reading about the latest technology. I also game a lot, I play a lot of FPS, sports and Strategy games. I also love to learn new things which are interesting and lately I am fascinated by Machine Learning and the fact that it is coded in python amplifies my interest in it
I have started an MSC course at the University of Hertfordshire and my main subjects are related to ML and NL and I plan to graduate by mid of 2021

Area of interest

Take a look at some of the things I love working on.

Web Dev

Everyone should be a Web Developer is what I feel, It is so exciting to build websites that are interactive and responsive. It is the best way to showcase your creativity( I have showcased mine using this website)

Machine Learning

I love writing code to implement a model which teaches itself to be better but ML is a lot more than just the packages like NumPy, sci-kit-learn there is a lot of interesting theory involved too


This is my goto language for coding it just makes life so easier and I actively take up challenges on Hackerrank and code wars.